3936 Hamilton Road

Dorchester, ON

3936 Hamilton Road

Dorchester, ON


Payment for services is by CASH or CHEQUE only, unless otherwise authorized by RMT.
Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, or a fee may be applied. Please call the office directly for same-day cancellations.

Phone: 519-268-2273

Address: 3936 Hamilton Road, Dorchester, ON

Massage Therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints. Massage Therapy helps alleviate the soft tissue discomfort associated with every day muscular stresses, and occupational overuse. It can greatly reduce the development of painful muscular patterning, if employed early enough after accidents involving trauma and injury. With years of experience and success Dorchester Massage Therapy should be your choice for massage therapy – BOOK A MASSAGE NOW

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